Thursday, December 13, 2012

Let's Be Real

After reading Sandy's comment about an awesome holiday party, I missed. I thought how wise and true. Perfect is not reality.

Then I ran across an article on Buzzle: Finding Gratitude
Lift yourself out of your self-pity rut and appreciate the joy all around you.
One part of that article matches the comments as well

Let Go of Perfect
We all have a picture in our heads of what life is 'supposed' to be like. Now think - do you know anyone with that life? No, you don’t. Even those who seem perfect on the surface have all kinds of crap of their own going on in places you can’t see. Perfect doesn’t exist, it’s just a fantasy we all use to alternately motivate and torture ourselves. Let go.

Embrace the Japanese philosophy of wabi sabi, which means that beauty is imperfect and fleeting, but that’s what makes it so beautiful. You might see toys strewn about the living room, but you could flip it around and see the evidence of a child’s joy. Which view do you think brings more long-term happiness? Is Architectural Digest coming over for a photo shoot tomorrow? No? Then forget the living room and play with your kid.
Read more at Buzzle:

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