Monday, June 21, 2010

Sliding Into Summer

Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass on a summer day listening to the murmur of water, or watching the clouds float across the sky, is hardly a waste of time.
-- John Lubbock

no sweltering swaggering entrance
just a soft sweet beginning
summer settling in

My first day of summer started with an early morning ride to downtown Everett to serve on Jury Duty. I was proud to find out that in Snohomish County 92% T0 95% of usually show up to serve our Jury Duty.

I found myself intrigued by the responses of some of my fellow citizens during the jury selection. One woman had marked no in response to the question of can you be a fair and impartial juror. I was immediately curious as to why she came. When queried by the judge about her answer as to why she answered as she did, she responded, "I'm opinionated and intolerant." Then, I admired in honesty. By the time the judge asked clarifying question of her, I was impressed with his wisdom. This is my third time to appear for jury duty. I still find it a fascinating process. I was neither selected nor rejected for today's still as they reached their quota for panel before they got to my number. So I am looking forward to going back tomorrow except for the part of getting up early.

In spite of not having written in a sometime, I have not abandoned
my blog completely. Hmm, I have been wandering or wondering around
the non-cyber world including taking a vacation to Northeastern Oregon/Southern Eastern Washington.

Since I last wrote I have spent time with three favorite spiritual teachers. Karunamayi, Ammachi, and Agnes Pilgrim Baker(oldest living member of the Confederated Siletz Tribes of Oregon and Chair of the 13 Indigenous Grandmothers. I have had an opportunity to meet, listen to and speak with author Gayle Redfern who has studied with. communicated with indigenous elders around the world.

This Friday, I looking forward to seeing Nadia Duvan, last living shaman of her Southeastern Siberian Ulchi tribe.

I am in awe of all these inspiring women and the selfless work that they do. It is nourishing to be around such amazing, diverse women who embody a deep reverence and compassion for our world and spirituality, God, the Beloved.

And I didn't make my goal of losing 10 lbs by May 22. A didn't lose an ounce. I have continued my daily meditation, but stopped the exercise program at that told.

However, after seeing Karunamayi on May 22 and asking her to help me lose weight, I have lost 7-8 lbs.

May we have a wondrous summer

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like some fascinating summer adventures you have been experiencing. Good luck with the jury duty experience. Happpy healthy summer to you!
