Sunday, December 15, 2013


There is always a choice; the only part you have to decide on is living with the consequences. - Ritu Ghatourey

Well, I decided that I can live with anxiety LOL. My glasses broke, and I lost something super important, and here I still am. Perhaps, I am learning about letting go, or planning ahead or being more careful or. . .  relaxing. . . going with the flow. Nope. Still a Realist. What is, is. Right now, what is, is anxiety about the future here in the present. Now that doesn't even sound right.

I think I should just go listen to Let It Be.

And I should have done that because the next really didn't help.

"A warrior of the light...never confuses tension with anxiety."
Paulo Coelho
"The experience of separateness arouses anxiety; it is, indeed, the source of all anxiety." Erich Fromm
and so shall I cling to the past
grab every last second of  nothing
or sleep on a golden cloud

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