Monday, March 22, 2010

Back to reading Haiku - the sacred art by Margaret D. McGee, I read the following Haiku:

my bed companions:
gray cat, hot water bottle,
dreams of long-lost loves
            - Barbara Gibson

As I am settling in for the night, I had a poem in response:

my bed companions:
comfy blankets, TV remote
dreams of Comcast connection

Not a Haiku. But I have learned of another type of Japanese poetry that is a closer fit: senryu. Here's the example of that style Margaret gives in her book:

Stumbling in the dark
then fumbling for the light switch,
which turns on the fan.
                 - Gregory Frederick

"A senryu is similar in structure to a haiku but focused more closely on human nature. . . Often a senryu will poke fun at the human condition."

Cool. I may have written a senryu.

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