life permeates the voids
the tapestry is reweaving
permutations of openess
threads of conscious
rewoven light
Jan was always smarter than me. So I that being said I am not back to posting things often. However, woke up to find I left the internet on by mistake.
Now that I have awakened bathed, done strength training (I know, didn't expect a new thing already either), mantras, studied prayer, meditated, written, eaten, I will post something
How do you when a coyote has been out foxed? (don't know who your animal totem/or guides are yet, another discussion for a quieter time)
Would you believe someone single handedly (and you know you are) got me to change my email address to a functional service provider . . . well even she had to have help from Ammachi & Karunamayi
. . . even though your emails didn't seem to work when you hit reply. . . hmm, sure it was nothing to do with it on my side. Will send out the new address by email, might be a few days. And, still keeping the old address for awhile . . . not giving up my easy click to the beautiful pictures of my Tofino connected provider that soothe my soul yet.
Sounds like time for me to take a vacation to Tofino. I might just go to work, and schedule off the time today . . . yes, my next vacation my possibly be a vacation instead of a retreat or workshop.
Sorry only read one email today so far.
I am in the process of healing my soul, tikkun ha-nefesh
Ammachi always stirs things up, this year she has some extra help. So a little story, I was remembering so dramatic events of my personal and professional life. When Someone who was the physical twin of the woman of a smaller albeit dramatic event in my home sat down in the chair next to me. This woman looked almost exactly like this friend did when I knew her 30 years ago. So I am not sure how I remember how or why this friend appeared to spend the night at my house, from out of town, without warning, just as I was getting ready for a first date with someone. Awkward. I took a deep breathe, she said she would be fine. Hell, I am going out, have a good time. Told myself it is really ok to leave someone in my house, really ok, ok, safe, ok . . . Came home to police cars in my driveway. . . swell way to end a first date, but what the hell is going on, I can't handle another thing in my home . . . their were the police going very suspicious through all my herbal teas, it is funny now, then they were so damn serious, young cops intent on making a bust not smart enough to recognize all the tons of herb teas . . . no drugs in my house, but lots, and lots, and lots of tea. . . my poor friend not sure either what went wrong . . . My next neighbor told me they called the police because it was "too damn loud", and we were really worried.
Thank you, Ammachi, for sending only the smallest representative of the past being, the past
“People always talk about how hard it can be to remember things - where they left their keys, or the name of an acquaintance - but no one ever talks about how much effort we put into forgetting. I am exhausted from the effort to forget... There are things that have to be forgotten if you want to go on living.” ― Stephen Carpenter, Killer
Lynn, I love your post and I'm sure those gorgeous Tofino photos could simply be copied over to your new email provider!?! Now, there's a new thought! What! another new challenge? LOL Yes, I agree with you... a vacation... a plain ol' fashioned vacation. I'm sure retreats and workshops can always be put on hold for awhile... let them be... no harm done to them. But fresh air and scenery? Well now, that's another story! This is beautiful, "There are things that have to be forgotten if you want to go on living.” Plus, laughter is soooo much fun!