Monday, October 21, 2013

Patience Just Out of Reach

So today, after a very excruciating evening of constant software delays leading the calmest amongst us to the edge of the impatience abyss, I chose this book today for a quick read; Secrets of the Zohar - Stories and Meditations To Awaken The Heart by Michael Berg.

(I just made myself chuckle at this choice. Didn't think of the times I have said I will probably never have the patience to read the entire Zohar even translated. Michael Berg's translation I believe is 23 volumes - I have never made past even a 1/4 of volume in other translations).

Patience definitely at odds with reality in my world at the moment. Someone's interesting choice to remedy an untenable situation created further chaos.

So the quote or rather passage from the random page I chose:

Title Heading: When There Is Too Much To Do and You Are Feeling Overwhelmed: "The Importance of Small Openings" (Zohar, Emor, Verse 128)

Sometimes life seems overwhelming, both everyday life and what's taking place in the world as a whole. There's just too much to do and it's all so hard. That's not a pleasant feeling, but when it comes over you, be aware that the feeling contains some important messages.

First, know that there really is too much to do, and there really are times when you are "in over your head." But we did not come into this world just to stay within our capabilities. Our purpose in life is to go beyond our capabilities, and to fulfill the purpose we need to connect with the Creator's Light.


Whew so relieved to know just not haven't a horrendously difficult work week, I am just expanding participating in my life's purpose.

And ok, it is not horrendous, I just liked that word that thought it would be fun to use in a sentence because I can. And so it takes more patience that I thought I had. I found the extra minutes it takes to load a report gives me time to practice my mantra. . . and a co-worker told me her physical agility is on the rise this week as she greatly improved her thumb twiddling.


  1. Lynn, this is a powerhouse...

    "First, know that there really is too much to do, and there really are times when you are "in over your head." But we did not come into this world just to stay within our capabilities. Our purpose in life is to go beyond our capabilities, and to fulfill the purpose we need to connect with the Creator's Light."

    And, I don't mean to be redundant in copy/pasting your delightfully, witting take on things, but they simply are WORTH repeating...

    "Whew so relieved to know just not haven't a horrendously difficult work week, I am just expanding participating in my life's purpose.

    And ok, it is not horrendous, I just liked that word that thought it would be fun to use in a sentence because I can. And so it takes more patience that I thought I had. I found the extra minutes it takes to load a report gives me time to practice my mantra. . . and a co-worker told me her physical agility is on the rise this week as she greatly improved her thumb twiddling."

    Just how do you twist around a sentence and inject such wit?!?! It's a downright tickler. You are soooo worth the read!

    And oh yeah, just where do you get the time to write all this and say a mantra while you are in the midst of having such a "horrendous" time? LOL

    Hugs... Namaste.

  2. aww thank you, I am having fun playing with words and yes "But we did not come into this world just to stay within our capabilities." Agreed, such a simple, powerful thought with whole thing, and in the midst of anything that stretches one out of their comfort zone - a positive take, and practical hope
