Wednesday, January 27, 2010


waiting expectantly
greeted only with silence
my heart feels hungry

I was in a good mood having done some excellent work saving clients a great deal of money this past week. As I went beyond my required duties, I was hoping for some acknowledgement from management. Several emails from clients came back as thank you to our department. I was glad they acknowledged the help they received.

No acknowledgement from management from me. Ok, a job well done should be it's own reward. I was very pleased with myself and completed some additional work outside what is required me. I received kudos from 2 co-workers for my awesome work. Management nothing.

Yesterday, I followed up on some important work that co-workers left undone. One said she didn't like working as she was feeling tired. The other people in situation two had already gone home earlier leaving things undone. I was a little horrified as a not completing the work in a timely manner could be extremely costly for our clients. I put my work aside got it done, was pleased to see thanks to our department from our clients addressing issues so quickly.

Finally, a comment from management. Only one that sent me fuming. . . I may have left a hyphen out of a word.

I just saved our clients a considerable amount of money this week. I really like not to care whether I get credit or acknowledgement. I would like to believe that I just do right thing because it's a better way to live. But I was sitting (rather stewing) there thinking how I wanted some credit.

I said to a co-worker, "When am I getting stop getting upset over things like this, I know she's not good at giving credit to anyone!"

My co-worker replied immediately, with more wisdom than most, "When are you going to wake up not being Lynn?"

"You need to be aware of what others are doing, applaud their efforts, acknowledge their successes, and encourage them in their pursuits. When we all help one another, everybody wins." Jim Stovall

I have done an excellent job this week. Well done, Lynn.

May you acknowledge yourself and others

1 comment:

  1. Very wise words again Lynn. Thanks for being a great friend and blogging mentor.
