Saturday, June 15, 2013

May We Be Kind

serpentine thoughts
settling into center
basking into contentment

radio on waking this am - "I'd take a grenade for you".

Well, hmm. Guess some part of my brain is still thinking about my brave young friend bullied into dropping out of the last few months of high school. At least, she is a lucky one in having loving support of a large family. Can you imagine? They love her, every part of her and her life. Thank God. And yet, the unsolicited hatred and ignorance stills placed deepscars on a sweet, loving, tender heart.

So fun, this morning waking up the a henna tattoo on my arm. "Mom"(my friend Julie) let us all get tattoos at the fair yesterday. LOL. I really wanted the one painted from my ear down the side of my face. However, I think the wise aritist quickly surmised the issue, you know you have to sit really still if I do it there (oh . . . shoot). This morning I am grlad it is on my arm where I can have fun admiring it.

Understand if I am really careful, it can last 4-5 weeks otherwise I should have it for 2-3 weeks. What fun. I have learned Tiger Balm preserves it so I shall likely smell like Tiger Balm for a few weeks. Already nice by the cashier in the market last night. Fun.

there's mine



 Celebrating a friend's birthday. I had a great time with dancing, singing along with the band, visiting with friends. Having my first chai slushie (they called it blended chai). As Lisa asked are you sure you don't want the blended one?? So fun to be allowed into family mode, perusing one anothers food, what YOU gonna get, different for an only child. Getting proper strokes for ponying up an sharing some of my food. Loving family mode ever so sweet, funny, and inclusive.

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