Monday, June 17, 2013

So Enjoying My Henna Tattoo

widening my beliefs
opening my heart
making room for you

 Amazing how doing some small thing can be so satisfying. I have been so enjoying my tattoo.
Had fun watching a co-workers eyes widen in surprise. "I didn't know YOU had tattoos.

Yes, little ol' me. I had wondering now if I would be equally surprised if I notated a tattoo on her arm.
While I kinda hope not, can't say for sure.

We seem to slot people into, oh, I don't know categories. Thinking how many times we say, I wouldn't think he or she would do that. Obviously, we seem to set up constructs about who people are. Just interesting thoughts. 

We can't imagine someone driving a red car. Why not? Doesn't fit with the slot we put them in, what we know of them.

I claim it is the Aquarian in me that likes to shake things up. say the unexpected, help people break any part of their stereotypes.

However, I still do the same. I am remembering being surprised after the recent spiritual talk withSadhguru Jaggi Vasudev.

I was having a lovely conversation with an East Indian woman. She said  "well you know how it is like that country western song, "Everyone wants to go to heaven but no one wants to go now." Such a small thing. I just didn't expect her or anyone to quote a country western song in that context. Why not? I even listen to and love lots of country songs.

So, hmmm, I guess that could make prayer for today to have a more open mind. We are all so unique. May I learn to honor the truth that we are all unique human beings with infinite permutations.

Now permutation of my tattoo

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