Sunday, December 6, 2009

Reaching Out

"It is not up to you to complete the task. Nonetheless, you are not free to desist from it. " Rabbi Tarfon (quote found in Soul of a Citizen by Paul Rogat Loeb)

Right now people from faiths multiple countries  are gathering in Melbourne, Australia for the World Parliament of Religions. And Copenhagen, people from multiple countries are gathering to discuss climate change and reducing global warming.

My friend Sue sent me information about the website Hopenhagen. I was glad to have an opportunity to sign a petition to encourage leaders to take measurable steps to help our environment. It was fun to become a citizen, along with people around the world, of Hopenhagen. The internet makes participating in global something easy to do. I am not in Copenhagen, but I am proud to have my name of the petition. Thank you, Sue for bringing this opportunity to me.

reaching round the world
tiny steps towards shared truths
global camaraderie forming

May we listen to each other

over 27,000 have affirmed the Charter For Compassion
over 51,000 have signed the petition for Hopenhagen

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