Thursday, February 2, 2012

Rilke, Life, Synchroncity

Perhaps synchronicity is really end the unseen threads of the divine, mysterious web of existence

Anticipating the arrival on a package today, I heard an interesting knock at the door. Voila, indeed my new book is here:

A Year with Rilke
Daily Readings from the Best of Rainer Maria Rilke
By Anita Barrows, Joanna Macy

Without much thought, I tossed out, "GOOD KNOCK" Then I saw this amazing smile, and twinkling eyes return my sincere, spontaneous comment. It was one of those times I love, something so obvious, yet new to me. Knocking is so much a part of his job. I have viewed knocks as inconvenient, disconcerting, rude, with gratitude, with neutrality, with little thought, but I had never considered as a job skill. . . he is good at his job . . . it was a deep moment I still hold. . .

Before I start my year with Rilke, I must find out what piece of this work was chosen for my birthday. . .  I am beyond delighted, the piece chosen for my day is the one I keep in view at work, one of my favorites :

I want to ask you, as clearly as I can, to bear with patience all that is unresolved in your heart, and try to love the questions themselves, as if they were rooms yet to enter or books written in a foreign language. Don't dig for answers that can't be given you yet: you live them now. For everything must be lived. Live the questions now, perhaps then, someday, you will gradually, without noticing, live into the answer.

Worpswede, July 16, 1903
Letters to a Young Poet
And in looking for an easy copy and paste of the above quote I found it on this blog -  which I will return to and enjoy as well.

So the daily reading for my beginning day, February 2:

In the last analysis, I have a completely indescribable passion for experiencing God, and this God is unquestionably closer to that of the Old Testament than He is to the Messiah's Gospels. I must admit that what I have most wanted in this life has been to discover within myself a temple to earth, and to dwell therein.

Letter to Rudolph Zimmerman
March 10, 1922
I read through the introduction and was equally amazed with eloquence, insight, writing, observational skills of those who undertook the creation of this work, Ms. Barrows and Ms. Macy. It mentioned they started their translations in 1993, I see the date the book was published was 2009. What a commitment.

I am feeling a little smug, I might know what I am reading for a year; it's my day off, haven't even left the house, had a satisfying, uplifting interaction with a stranger; finished day 6 of my Jorge Cruise 8 Minutes in the Morning exercise program, loving that I didn't do it in the morning, and probably took 15 minutes; it looks like a get to go buy a smaller size of jeans. . .

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