Thursday, February 2, 2012

Restaurants Faux Pas Plus My Mostly Gluten Free Diet

So I am wondering why when I eat out the host/hostesses think it is appropriate to have someone with a cane be seated in a location far, far, far away from the door when seating is plentiful. Tonight I was seated in the booth the absolute furthest from the door when the place had 90% open seating. I would have stopped her except her pace was so fast I would have had to yell to get her attention.

It didn't occur to me til now, I should have just stopped, sat down in a closer booth. Guess I have a plan for next time.

Ah, yes I did enjoy tender, flavorful Cider Brined Pork Chops at the new Indigo Kitchen & Alehouse in Lynnwood, WA.

This was right after I had the pleasure of a new smaller size pair of jeans. 

I had a change of diet around last July. The pair of jeans I purchased today is the 6th size smaller jean since this dietary change. Don't really perceive the weight loss so much - it's about 35-40 lbs. I follow my new plan about 99% of the time. After reading so Cider Brined Pork Chops recipes online I probably had too much sugar . . . 

The change I made includes the following:

no cow dairy
no wheat
no corn
no alcohol
no legumes
no vinegar
minimal fruit

pretty much 99% gluten free
the part that didn't stick is no caffeine

the part that fluctuates is no sugar - I rarely have anything with processed sugar, I  do not have items with agave nectar, honey, organic cane sugar or brown syrup everyday, more like a health food treat once or twice a week.

I have eaten one of the best tasting vanilla ice cream I have ever had - LaLoo's Vanilla Snowflake Goat Milk Ice Cream - however it does have sugar, oh well.

Even Trader Joe's is carrying a sheep milks Bleu Cheese, grated Peccorino Romano, Brie. 

I believe the most beneficial, and significant change was cutting out wheat. I still eat well, pretty much all I want, and it is not a struggle. The amazing part is the virtual lack of food cravings. My desire for a food treat once in a while leads to sweetened items more because I tire of reading labels, still I often decide not to have anything at all.

Well, new jeans exciting, different than previous baggy pairs, just challenging enough - they will just a bit more comfortable with just a touch more weight lost. 

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