Sunday, August 30, 2009

On Home & Possesions

A wonderful quote from On Possessions in the book Simple Truths: Clear & Gentle Guidance on the Big Issues in Life by Kent Nerburn that I am currently reading (and recommend).

"We wake up one day and find ourselves surrounded by possessions that mean nothing to us. Our freedom gone; our lightness of being is gone. In their place is a sense of responsibility and ownership. We have become curators of our own cluttered reality."

Wicked good line - curator of our own cluttered reality. It struck "home" for me as I have yet to master the art of decluttering. While have possessions that I love and use, there are those that are strewn about in piles (papers to file), and tucked in drawers and closets "in case". In what case, I would actually need a particular broken item I don't know.

I am, continually, hopeful that I am letting go of more unused and unneeded items  than I am carting home. Wouldn't it be amazing to only be surrounded by beloved items all in their own sacred places? Guess I could just love everything that's here. Huh, could be easier than another trip to Goodwill after all.

And, now, as Swami Nithyananda(Swamiji) would say A small story - a true one he told us at a retreat this year:

There was a man who was very rich and seeking enlightenment. He decided to give away all his possessions, become a monk, and live at one of the monasteries Swamji was staying at when he was younger. This man would get up every morning and go sit on the same piece of earth. He would become very disturbed if anyone else tried to sit there.

So letting go of physical possessions is neither a requirement or the way to enlightenment. The man was still attached to what he believed he owned - A spot.

May your love your surroundings and hold your home as sacred

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