Friday, August 21, 2009


"Words can cause wars, and words can bring hope. Always speak kind, hopeful and comforting words, because our words, prayers and thoughts have the power to travel everywhere in the world and touch the hearts of all people." Karunamayi

This picture, Relating, was created from a gift bag that had ink stains transferred to it. A salesperson apologized about the bag, but my friend Kathleen was wise enough to know I would view it as art or make a picture out of it. I love scanning random items. Voila, the bag print transformed into humans relating to and embracing the world.

We are all related and interconnected. Today, I found out my friend Sandy was, also, born in the same hospital I was long ago and far away. This just delights me. I love interconnections and synchronicities.

Breakfast in today. I had a pineapple smoothie with Ruth's Hemp Protein Powder a good break from dairy or soy. I like to snack on their bars. The ginger almond Maca Power Bar is my fav. Still doing my best to shop for meals from my own pantry. Lunch was a hot bowl of Vita Spelt spaghetti with gorgonzola, butter, and garlic.

I managed to add music to my blog today, player at the bottom of the page. It doesn't start automatically as I don't like that happening when I visit other pages. Please enjoy some uplifting music from Joanne Shenandoah, and Holly Near.

I, also, added a link for The Hunger Site to make it easy to click to donate food. And, now, there is a link to my library on Library Thing. I only have about half my library catalogued so far, but feel free to check out what I and other members have in our library. As I said previously lots of good stuff for booklovers on their site.

Found a nice list of humanitarian sites at Raving Here's some information from just one of the sites, Alternative Gifts:

For the cost of a music download of six songs:
Provide one share of water pipe or school supplies for Gumiguda school system

$6 - One share of water pipe or school supplies for Gumiguda school system

$50 - Permanent clean water resources for one person in a community

Something to consider.

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