Thursday, July 8, 2010

Could Be

"All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream." - Edgar Allan Poe

dreams interwoven with reality
who may truly know the mysteries of heart & soul
i welcome the possibilities

I read my friend Jan's blog about having someone else's dream. I remembered I forgot to tell her that one Thursday afternoon I dreamed I was getting tired trying to keep up with an active toddler. When I woke up, I had to chuckle as while I was dreaming Jan was actually watching her active grandbaby.

Then, Monday morning, I woke up remembering a strange dream:

I heard myself saying I quit my job, then wondering why I did that, anxiety starting to rise. Why did I quit? I don't have another job, I need a new job . . .

Oh, well. We all have odd dreams, right?

When I got to work Monday, I noticed a large printer, and other equipment on our manager's desk. I asked if someone's printer died. A co-worker slowly approached me and informed me Christina quit.

When I opened my email, I had a note from Christina. She had been offered a job for which she would be making more money working 32 hours a week than she had made here working 40 hours. But, to get the job she had to start immediately. So I was probably having Christina's dream tainted with my anxiety.

Christina was the same co-worker who went to the Group Soul Retrieval with me.

I know she had been actively looking for a better position; and she has many talents. But, I can always wonder if her presence in the ritual/ceremony helped her be prepared to move on to a new job she is loving so far. May her gifts be appreciated. Congratulations, my friend.

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