Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Seen, Heard, Uttered

Bumper Stickers

"This is not an SUV, it's just a really big purse"

"Wag more, bark less"

Corporate Confusion and Mirth


Our new corporate logo was unveiled, and an email was sent with our logo, address format for emails. We all dutifully pasted and copied the new information sent out by Bob Brown. Fortunately for me, I was a little uncertain if I had done everything correctly. This time being a little less certain of the computer led me to discovering a
potential problem with the new address, and fixing it before I emailed clients.

The next day, the new signature, logo, and address format was attached to most everyone's email, along with the mistake I saw. If someone clicked on an email link to reply, the mail went to Bob Brown regardless of the typed email address. We all copied his hyperlink. For some reason, I had a great time emailing people who emailed me letting them their email hyperlink was directing their email to Bob.
(an email was sent out letting people know about the error so it looks like it was handled before emails went to external customers).


With our new name just unveiled, we have to make sure old clients recognize us we are when calling. Protocol requires that we use both name, but it can be cumbersome. So my phone call to a regular client whose company, also, just had a name change went like this:

"This is Lynn calling from ABC Blank Blank Blank formerly known as Blank Blank Blank."

"Hello, this is Chris with Blank Blank Blank formerly known as Blank Blank Blank"

"Hi, Lynn"

"Hi, Chris"

Bemusement all around


Another part our computer systems was converted this past weekend, adding a new element into the mix. Two of the three systems we use now are on Pacific Standard Time(PST), and the new added in is on Central Standard Time(CST). Sunday, I was pleased and amazed lunch time had come so quickly . . . then, wait a minute, oh rats, I am looking at the system operating in CST.


A co-worker asked a client for his address, He replied (seriously), "I don't know I haven't seen it in two days."


A co-worker received a call from Mr. Flaghorn (name she actually heard). She became concerned when she couldn't find a file for him. It seemed a pretty straightforward spelling even if she was slightly off. But, not finding it, her last resort was to have him spell it. He said, "B - R - O - W - N" . . .

Sad & Touching

A friend took a call from someone who called her to report a stolen credit card. He found the card on the street, and picked up. He hadn't eaten in several days, he was an out of work fisherman living along the U.S. Gulf Coast. He went to a local restaurant and ate a $9.72 dinner. After he finished eating, he felt horrible about what he had done so he knew he had to report the card stolen by himself. My friend said the man insisted on leaving his name and phone number, promising he would find a way to pay the person back, and apologizing profusely.

'Tis the most tender part of love, each other to forgive. - John Sheffield

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