Wednesday, October 16, 2013

A Little Magical True Story, Part I

Simultaneous with my attendance at the Grief class my new Indie.Arie CD came. Driving into work, thinking about my mother, put in the CD. She started with a very soulful rendition of the Serenity Prayer.

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, The courage to change the things I can, And wisdom to know the difference.

Growing up, no one I was aware of in the family ever went to A.A. which is what I now have an association with for this prayer, but it hung over the TV in our homes all my life growing up.
No other quote could say mother more to me.

The day after the workshop, driving to work is when I put the CD in. Ok, hi Mom. Hope you forgive me. My inner voice responded with "CHANGE LANES NOW' So I did pretty abruptly.

It put me right behind a car with Illinois license plate - Mom born in Illinois. I looked the truck next lettered with MisMo.

Way cool - how in the world. Got it. Sue talked about how hard someone of our loved ones tried to communicate with us, get our attention, and sometimes only to have us dismiss it or miss it.

Got it, Mom. Thank you. Know what miss you, too.


  1. Lynn, in this early morning, I am reading through your posts. They are ALL pretty amazing, pretty wonderful... just as YOU are pretty amazing, pretty wonderful!!!

    Sure do LOVE your 'unique' wit... "billions and trillions" of times over. Early morning chuckles are always soooo appreciative.

    Hugs... Namaste.

  2. thank you Divyam, sorry I have been a bit slow getting back to reading comments, thank you, I love the words amazing, and unique especially from someone as articulate and witty yourself love, will have to finish my story soon too, the first part was the best. . .
