Thursday, July 23, 2009

Creating A New Story

"Sometimes you gotta create what you want to be part of." Geri Weitzman

I feel really blessed in a lot of ways. I have what I consider the luxury of living alone with a wonderful circle of friends.

I'm not sure how spending less will more. But maybe I can work on buying more for less money. I enjoyed a lovely dinner of pulled pork, pepita rice, and mushroom stew on the patio of my local PCC Natural Market in Edmonds. I love eating the fresh, high quality food that use. And to drink - a Zevia soda naturally sweetned with stevia(herb).

I decided to take the plunge and by spinach and lettuce that was already cut off for me - I do have extra time right. I am trying a type of organic lettuce I haven't before French Crisp grown by Rents Due. I'm big on irony aka synchroncity.

After dinner I rent done to watch the sunset on the ferries and the ocean. Peaceful, soft, magical twilight time. Still playing with the camera, clueless about settings, finding myself somewhat shy to be out publicly in the guise of a photographer. Frozen bits on the world on a little bitty screen, fascinating. May post some later.

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