Sunday, September 27, 2009

Abundant Week - Enjoying Life & Learning

"To be old can be glorious if one has not unlearned how to begin." - Martin Buber

This has been an abundant week filled with good friends, sweet journeys, stimulating ideas, reflection, prayer and interesting food.

I was lucky to spend time with my friend Kathleen. We took a trip to a store in Issaquah that I had not seen before, Spirit Journey. The owner was warm and welcoming. She has a number of wonderful items including handmade items (I am still thinking about a bag I saw adorned with some very colorful and unique horses), books, essential oils, cards. We partook of a healing treatment, the Bio-Cleanse Detox Footbath. It was wonderfully relaxing and refreshing. And, I didn't mind in the slightest that I was treated to a tasty lunch afterwards.

It lightened my heart to hear that Kathleen's son has completed his 8-9 years of military service with army, and is safely home.

And, I got to spend time with my friend Jan. We enjoyed a satisfying breakfast, and then a peaceful, scenic visit on a comfortable bench looking out of the Puget Sound from the shore at Edmonds. It was a beautiful sunny day, and we enjoyed watching ferries, cargo ships, sailboats, and speedboats making their way to a variety of destinations. We were joined by families playing on the beach, an assortment of walkers, and vocal crows. And the good conversation was nourishing and fun.

I was able to hear the author of some 16 plus books (including those about Bedlam Farm), John Katz, speak about his new, book – Soul of a Dog. He shared his views about our relationship with dogs including the fact they are probably the best manipulators of human beings on earth. He spoke of his concerns that we really to do not see dogs as the unique beings they are, but project onto them qualities of humans placing unnecessary burdens on them. He brought forth the point that dogs are neither good nor bad as they aren't making moral choices. In his experience, dogs work from instinct, not ethics, and don't have running narratives. I am pondering my past relationships with my own dogs.

Additionally, I got to see a favorite author and very inspirational speaker, Richard Bach. He talked a little about his new book Hypnotizing Maria, but more about life and being a writer. He has two phrases posted where he writes. The first, "Don't Think" (have fun). "If you're not having fun with story how can you expect the reader to?" The second, "Don't Care". "When you stop caring you recognize that what you have to give is your foolishness and craziness. And, he brought up an idea I like and have heard him speak on before: "Every writer in the world has a family. Our job as readers is to find the writers who are writing for the family that includes us." This idea resonates with me. Also, I understand he has a series of five books, The Ferret Chronicles, which I haven't read yet. So I am looking forward to the pleasure of that new world.

I finished reading The Shack by Wm. Paul Young which I enjoyed. Someone told me they found it to be a religious book. I would say it is a wonderful mix of some religion, spirituality, and philosophy. It brought forth ideas that I will ponder, and dialogue and I want to re-read and absorb. Here's one small excerpt:

"It (the law) grants you the power to judge others and feel superior to them. You believe you are living to a higher standard than those you judge. Enforcing rules, especially in its more subtle expressions like responsibility and expectation, is a vain attempt to create certainty out of uncertainty. And contrary to what you might think, I have a great fondness for uncertainty. Rules cannot bring freedom; they only have the power to accuse." For better or worse, I tend to be a rule follower, and often expect the same of others especially in a work environment. So this passage has given me pause - that's a good thing.

To round out my week, I decided to try what looked like a fascinating food item, Snoqualmie Gourmet French Lavender Ice Cream. Flowers and ice cream? Why not? I neglected to give sufficient thought to the fact I've never been found of lavender scent. Oddly, I was amazed that it actually tasted and "smelled" strongly of lavenders. They do make a wonderful quality ice cream with real cream.  However, I think I will stick to my favorite, Vanilla.

dash of whimsy
touch of reverence
nourishing friends

“Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” - Mahatma Gandhi

May you have some fun

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