Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Still Good But Weary

bone tired of being
too slow for "you"
can you not see my heart

"People started saying, 'Oh you know, he's quicker than he looks', and I'm like, 'What does that mean? Do I look slow, or I'm not really sure what that means." Jeremy Lin

So do I say I am sorry that I am slower than I look. Heavy sigh here. The sun came up, my heart has a lovely rhythm, I see green trees outside with wind ruffling their leaves. Bet no one never tells them they are too slow. Well, actually, bet they do.

So because I have so much to learn about tolerance many of my clients today have been extremely slow the traumatized, the injured, the ones I suspect were, also, born at a different pace.

Oh, Great Spirit help me understand, accept and be more loving. Thank you.

radio - live on and be yourself - (hmm yep that is all there is) I can't change even if I tried and even if I wanted to - song is about a different prejudice still fits for now   So many blessing many I see them


  1. Lynn, you remember this little ditty, don't you?
    (Now, how could you forget THIS one?!?!)



  2. thanks, will have to listen at home, no speaker on this computer. . thanks I am sure I will enjoy it your eelections are always fun

  3. yes m'am as one of kids says affectionately to me when I remind her of something she knows - hmm acknowledgment - sagish
