Sunday, June 9, 2013

What Do You Think

As our supervisor was leaving for the leaving she asked us if anyone needed anything else. Well, you might figure by now I have smart mouth, so "a million dollars, wait a billion dolars, wait . . . As I stopped figure how high I should so as not limit myself, all the other women ordered fast cars and good looking movies.

So if it just my age or my focus? I mean if it was money I would share . . .


  1. Let me see now... would 1 Million dollars get me to Maui (permanently) and be able to order in Chinese food twice a week? Hmmm... for how many years, I wonder? If not, would 1 Billion do the trick? Soooo... got me thinkin'! Should I try for the Lottery this week??? And, oh yeah, I guess I would share (some) of my Chinese food! LOL Hugs...

  2. would you really want to live on Maui, funny, you couldn't pay me to live there. Where I want to live is BC of course

    I have every certainty you would share your Chinese food if only we could find the restaurant, still not sure if I was too tired, or more likely we really needed the time to talk in the car, definitely cn easier space for me in getting to know someone

  3. Oh! YES! indeedy!!! I'd be on Maui faster than you can blink! Ooooh... the beautiful sight of the water... the waves... the colours... even the scent in the air right off the plane... then, there's the coconut custard ice cream... need I say MORE!?! Great pizza there, too... don't know about Chinese food on Maui... would love to have an opportunity to go back to check it out! Oh! yeah, a Lottery ticket...??? Aren't daydreams delightful some days? Hugs...

  4. They have pretty of Chinese food. I just need more room to roam. Love Coconut Ice Cream only mine is all cooonut. I see Pixxa is on the list duly noted. In my mind we live in such a beautiful area, Hawaii can't compare even Maui. LOL the world is full of many amazing things and places, I suppose a short trip to Maui could be fun, was in a restaurant with Willie Nelso last night. . . that was fun
