Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Sunrise On The Water

A lovely thing about working graveyard is the sun was on the verge of coming up when I left work. Then I had this wonderful idea go to the park before I went home. I can tell you 5 amish is a great time to visit the Olympic Sculpture Park. Even to visit the adjoining Myrtle Edwards Park. There got sit and watch the ferries and ships. A perfect place a the edge of the sound to mingle with Great Spirit, chant, meditate. Most fun of all singing scales.

traces of discomfort
residual fear ebbing
breath and stand forth


the tidal wave
brings new ground
stand on it


  1. Really beautiful... this... "A perfect place a the edge of the sound..." Namaste...

  2. indeed it was when I first moved to Washington, moved to Bellingham not working, spent a lot of time sitting on the water worn logs watching the water, this is a place of soul connection, peace. . . so peaceful, then I wasn't watching where I was going fell right off the walkway down into a very, very, soft fluffy mass of native plants, boy, was I surprised, so much for dreamy beach walking, sitting yes, walking no
